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How to Give Your Affordability Program Messaging a Much-Needed Technology Makeover to Improve Drug Adherence

When prescription prices rise, patients are more likely to abandon their treatment. Despite the focus on enhancing patient affordability and drug access, only 10% of assistance funds are used due to inefficiencies and outdated technology. Pharmacists, healthcare providers, hubs, pharmacy benefit managers, point-of-care platforms, and pharmaceutical manufacturers play a crucial role in offering co-pay assistance.

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This white paper explores strategies for reducing healthcare costs and improving clinical outcomes by leveraging POC platforms, patient data, and advanced technology.

Key Highlights:

  • Identify the knowledge gap stopping patients from using co-pay assistance programs and highlight the need for targeted, real-time information.
  • Explore effective strategies for connecting HCPs and pharmacists with technology that simplifies access to affordability programs.
  • Highlight the advancements in healthcare technology that can significantly reduce the cumbersome processes currently hindering patient access to necessary treatments.

Download the white paper!